Command Line Interface

The command line interface of Inlinino can be very handy when logging data on limited resources such as Raspberry Pi or when running on a server.

Start Inlinino (command python -O src in a Terminal) it will display a header and wait for a command.

Inlinino 2.0 alpha (May 16, 2016)
Type "help", "support", or "credits" for more information.


Help can be found at anytime. Typing help will print a list of the command available. To get help on a specific command write help <command> replacing <command> with the name of the command you need some explanations.:


List of commands available (type help <topic>):
EOF  credits  exit  help  instrument  log  shell  status  support

>>help log
log [arg]
  <start> logging data
  <stop> logging data
  <header> change file name header
  <filename> return current filename


Autocompletion is enabled for each command pressing [tab] as you would do it on any bash or zsh terminal. A history of the command entered is kept in memory, they can be called by using the up arrow on your keyboard as you would do it on any bash or szh terminal. It’s possible to run any command from bash by starting the command with !.




The set of command starting with instrument allow to connect/disconnect or display information regarding the instruments.

instrument connect <instrument_name> [<instrument_port>]

Connect the instrument named <instrument_name>. If the instrument requires a port you should specify it in last argument <instrument_port>.

>>instrument connect SimulinoSin
instrument close <instrument_name>

Disconnect instruments named <instrument_name>.

>>instrument close SimulinoSin
instrument list [ports]

List all instruments If ports is specified in the command it will list all ports available on the computer.

>>instrument list
>>instrument list ports
/dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port: n/a
/dev/cu.iPhone-WirelessiAP: n/a
instrument read [<instrument_name>]

Read data from the instrument matching <instrument_name>. If no <instrument_name> is specified it will read from all instruments.

>>instrument read
{'sin': 2.212096683334974, 'sin_noise': 0.06595185215313082}
{'rnd2': 0.6670297159334724, 'rnd1': 1.4078267848958586}
>>instrument read SimulinoSin
{'sin': 1.6628582219802706, 'sin_noise': 0.3032862396665401}


The set of command starting with log allow to save data from instruments.

log start

Start logging data.

>>log start
Start logging data.
log stop

Stop logging data.

>>log stop
Stop logging data.
log header <filename_prefix>

Change the log files prefix by the one specified in <filename_prefix>. You can check the modification with the command log filename.

>>log header Inlinino
log filename

Display the path to current logging file. Note that if the path is relative you can get the current directory from which Inlinino is running with !pwd

>>log filename



Display current status of the application, few information regarding the verbosity of the software as well as if the instruments are connected or not are displayed.



The application can be closed at anytime. Data is saved before exiting even if the user did not stop logging before exiting.

exit or EOF

Exit command line interface and quit Inlinino. When application is closed properly:


When application is closed and logging or instruments are still running:

Closing connection with SimulinoRnd
Stop logging data.
Stop buffer thread.

Applications will try to exit properly, saving all the data and closing serial connection.

>>^CKeyboard Interrupt received.
Trying to close connection with instrument(s), to save data and close log file properly.
Closing connection with SimulinoRnd
Stop logging data.
Stop buffer thread.

If you press several times [Ctrl]+[C] some python errors will show up and data might be lost.